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115 Resources found. Displaying page 7 of 12

In order to be assist campus community members’ understandings of and responses to hate-bias incidents and hate crimes, the Hate-Bias Response Program has created a list of key hate-bias terms and definitions.

Topics: Hate & bias Anti-oppression

Photos of Land-Grab UMD webinar speakers Mr. Tristan Ahtone and Dr. Robert Lee with a play button

Webinar on the expropriated land used to found land-grant institutions like UMD

Topics: Anti-oppression

Leading Toward Anti-Racism event flyer with portraits of the speakers

A conversation about how campus leaders can think about anti-racist practices.

Topics: Anti-oppression

Screenshot University of Maryland LGBTQA Resources video

The LGBTQ+ Equity Center's list of on-campus resources for students, staff, and faculty.

Topics: LGBTQ+ Identity Community Self-care / Resilience

Thumbnail with a group of people in a circle with their hands together and the text "Welcome to the Rainbow Terrapin Network webinar on LGBTQ+ includion in the classroom"

Panel discussion on creating a more inclusive classroom for LGBTQ+ people

Topics: LGBTQ+ Identity

A circle of people with their hands in the middle together and the text "Intersections of race, gender, sexuality in society."
Screenshot University of Maryland LGBTQA Resources video
Thumbnail with a group of people in a circle with their hands together and the text "Welcome to the Rainbow Terrapin Network webinar on LGBTQ+ terminology and concepts"

Webinar on terminology and concepts related to sexual orientation and gender identity and expression

Topics: LGBTQ+ Identity

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