TerrapinSTRONG Faculty Action Plan
- Campus Unit: TerrapinSTRONG Education
- Updated:

We are so excited to have you. You are now a part of our community, striving alongside us to be TerrapinSTRONG. The Action Plan you are about to create is your opportunity to decide how you want to continue this TerrapinSTRONG journey. Use this Action Plan to commit yourselves to learning more about our community, building meaningful connections, and pursuing inclusion for a University of Maryland where everyone can reach their full potential.
If you are still in the process of taking the course, make note of any and all activities you would like to pursue after this course, at least one in each category. When you return to the course, you will tell us about the top opportunities that interest you.
Get to know the University of Maryland and show your pride.
Take a self-guided campus tour
- campus landmarks tour
- African American History TourLearn about the 1856 Project, the study of UMD's history with slavery.
Follow the University of Maryland on social media.
- Instagram: univofmaryland
- X/Twitter: UofMaryland
- Facebook: UnivofMarylandFollow TerrapinSTRONG on social media for more campus history, traditions, and more. #terrapinstrong
- Instagram: @terrapinstrong
- X/Twitter: @terrapin_strong
- Visit the Garden of Reflection and Remembrance.

Build meaningful relationships with the people and groups who will support your journey.
Run for University Senate or join a Senate Committee and impact campus policy.
Join a faculty learning community with TLTC (Teaching & Learning Transformation Center).
Join an ADVANCE Faculty Peer Network, year-long career development for faculty
Join a faculty writing group or other program with the Office of Faculty Affairs.
Join an employee affinity space to connect with others of a shared identity or common interest.
Join a campus association supporting your marginalized identities.

Create courses, events and meetings that are accessible, inclusive and affordable.
Implement the TerrapinSTRONG Action Plan for the Classroom.
Become a Fostering Terp Success Coach for former foster youth and housing insecure students without family support.
Donate to the Campus Pantry, serving all members of the campus community in times of food insecurity. They accept funds and food, as well as items for the Terp to Terp Campus Reuse Store.
Advise an Alternative Break Experience with Leadership & Community Service-Learning.
Attend a workshop or symposium with the Social Justice Alliance, the collaboration between UMD and Bowie State University developed to honor 1st Lt. Richard W. Collins III.
Pursue a Sustainability Badge or rally your office to pursue Green Workspace certification and help tackle climate change.
If you have a proven track record of engagement on DEIJ issues, get trained as an Equity Coach to facilitate equity-related support for campus units.
Discuss the First Year Book with your students in class
Learn about bias resources in a Bias Incident Support Services Stop the Hate workshop.
Gain a deeper understanding of the Israel/Palestine conflict, antisemitism & Islamophobia.
Get certified in Mental Health First Aid and learn how to recognize, intervene and get help for people with mental health challenges.
Attend a lecture from the Bahá’í Chair for World Peace.
Learn more about pronouns and ways to support members of the trans community.
Sign up to receive the Office of Diversity and Inclusion newsletter and stay up-to-date about events, initiatives, and resources.
Attend a weekly NEWSBREAK program at the Nyumburu Cultural Center for an opportunity to meet new people and expand your worldview on topics related to civic engagement, popular culture, campus diversity issues, politics, health, and student leadership. While the program is geared toward undergraduate students, we highly encourage involvement from faculty.
Participate in an event with one of the many cultural & ethnic studies programs in the College of Arts and Humanities (ARHU).
Learn more about diversity, equity and inclusion through the arts
- The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center
- Stamp gallery and the Contemporary Art Collection
- David C. Driskell Center, preserving the rich heritage of African American visual art and cultureAttend a TLTC workshop on accessibility, universal design or other equity & inclusion topics. Sign up for their newsletter to stay informed.

Engage in activities to improve community, connection, and inclusion in your classroom.
Topics: Community Academic support

Take action to enhance community, connection, and inclusion within your team.
Topics: Community
Campus Unit