TerrapinSTRONG Action Plan for the Classroom
- Campus Unit: TerrapinSTRONG
- Updated:
As a new community member, your TerrapinSTRONG action plan is an important way for you to explore community, connection, and inclusion at the University of Maryland. As an instructor, there are more things you can do to further community, connection, and inclusion in your classroom and beyond.
Address your Community
- Acknowledge historical inequities in your discipline.
- Celebrate traditions & trailblazers from your discipline, college, and department.
- Instill pride in the university and your program.
- Create assignments that encourage students to explore their campus and wider community.
- Implement your own TerrapinSTRONG initiatives that improve community, connection, and inclusion in your area.
Build Meaningful Connections
- Ask students to use the pronunciation feature in ELMS-Canvas. Use the pronouns feature to learn the correct pronouns.
- Use Ally in ELMS-Canvas to ensure course content is accessible.
- Create opportunities for students to build relationships with each other.
- Develop assignments that enhance teamwork skills.
- Utilize your office hours as an opportunity to get to know students.
- Host networking events & encourage engagement with alumni in the field.
- Provide spaces for students with marginalized identities to find support & belonging.
- Be welcoming & supportive of new staff, faculty, & students.
Advance DEIJ
- Use assignments as an opportunity to attach the grand equity & inclusion challenges of our times.
- Role model lifelong learning by participating in a learning opportunity dedicated to your own development as an inclusive practitioner/scholar/researcher.
- Create an inclusive, accessible, & affordable course.
- Give your time as a mentor, advisor, or coach.
- Assign readings from & highlight the contributions of experts from traditionally marginalized groups.
- Interrogate practices & procedures for equity & inclusion.
Continue your TerrapinSTRONG journey with recommended actions for faculty members to enhance community, connection, & inclusion.
Topics: Community
Campus Unit