Multifaith Religious Calendar 2024-25
- Campus Unit: Office of the Vice President for Diversity & Inclusion
- Updated:

Academic Year 2024-25
This calendar was a joint effort of the Office of Diversity & Inclusion and the Memorial Chapel with help from the UMD chaplains.
All are encouraged to refer to the calendar below when scheduling and planning events, assignments and other activities. While it may not be possible to avoid all holidays, our hope is that this outline may help you plan thoughtfully.
This is intended as a helpful resource, not an official list of dates. If the dates below (or any others not listed) present a conflict with academic work, students are responsible for communicating with faculty in advance of any needed extensions or absences to accommodate for religious or spiritual observances.
Of course, this is not a comprehensive list of all important dates for every faith tradition. Feel free to look beyond this resource (here's one more extensive external resource of dates) as needed. If any of the dates below are incorrect or you would like us to consider adding a significant date, please email us at and
*Starred holy days begin and end at sundown on the first and last days listed.
**Two stars indicate holidays that are calculated on a lunar calendar; dates are approximate. Muslim holidays begin and end at sundown on the first and last days listed.
***Three stars: the Bahá’í day ends and a new one begins at
sunset; consequently, the day on which a Holy Day is observed begins at
sunset of the day before the Gregorian calendar dates given above.
****Please note also the weekly Jewish Shabbat restrictions and when those restrictions fall during final exams. For observant members of the Jewish community, no work or travel should take place from Friday at sundown through Saturday at sundown. During the 2024-2025 academic year, these dates are affected: Friday, Dec. 13 and Saturday, Dec. 14; and Friday, May 16 and Saturday, May 17.