TerrapinSTRONG Annual Report 2023-24
- Campus Unit: TerrapinSTRONG Education
- Updated:

The University of Maryland strives to create an inclusive environment where every member of our community feels that they belong and are empowered to reach their full potential.
TerrapinSTRONG introduces and infuses its vision of inclusion and our institutional values across the university to create a more cohesive identity and a stronger commitment to community, connection and inclusion.

TerrapinSTRONG creates a sense of belonging and an expectation of personal responsibility among UMD community members. It acknowledges the exclusionary issues in our shared community history, communicates our values, indicates the importance of taking care of our community and emphasizes the role every person plays in the success of this place.

TerrapinSTRONG connects people to history, place and people. TerrapinSTRONG helps members of the UMD community build relationships, find support systems and understand how their work connects to the wider vision of inclusion. It provides opportunities for engagement with ourselves, with each other and with our institution.

TerrapinSTRONG emphasizes the importance of an environment where everyone can reach their full potential. It represents the diversity of our campus community in the past, present and future, provides resources for support of diverse people, and encourages practices that serve everyone. TerrapinSTRONG brings marginalized voices to the table and clearly communicates our commitment to be a welcoming and safe place.
A Broadening Year
In our third year, TerrapinSTRONG has been broadening our scope across campus. At the campus wide level, we have implemented an annual DEI symposium for all faculty and staff, not focused solely on new employees. Many colleges, schools and divisions have also begun to expand DEI initiatives for their entire unit, weaving TerrapinSTRONG into those initiatives and smoothing the transition between onboarding and ongoing development.
TerrapinSTRONG served as a subject matter expert for the Excellence in Supervision program administered through CLOC, created new content for New Employee Orientation administered by UHR, and demonstrated the ability to host a large-scale welcome event for graduate students.
As TerrapinSTRONG continues to evolve, we expect to see more of this blurred transition from the TerrapinSTRONG initiatives surrounding onboarding and the overarching goals of inclusion and equity touted by the TerrapinSTRONG program.
TerrapinSTRONG Symposium
The inaugural TerrapinSTRONG Symposium took place on November 1, 2023, as a collaboration between TerrapinSTRONG, the Office of Faculty Affairs and University Human Resources. The TerrapinSTRONG Symposium is an opportunity for faculty and staff to learn from each other about diversity, equity, inclusion, justice and belonging topics. The annual campus conference day provides space to bridge the work of scholars, researchers and practitioners to create greater collaboration and to provide insights from all sides that may inform our work.
Over 200 faculty and staff members convened in the STAMP Student Union for a daylong conference around this year’s theme of Belonging. Keynote speakers were Dr. Jennifer Roberts and Dr. Shannon Jette, two School of Public Health faculty members who run the Wekesa Earth Center, which aims to increase sense of belonging and restore relationships between marginalized communities and nature. The Symposium featured 20 additional presenters, six roundtable discussions and one restorative circle. Presentations ranged from theoretical belonging models used in develop of K-12 students in the 4-H program to autoethnographic stories of belonging and more.
Assessment of the event revealed its resounding success. Seventy-five percent of participants engaged with someone from a different function (faculty with staff), 90% learned something new, and participants overwhelmingly agreed that the Symposium was worth their time. Participant feedback also identified some areas for improvement, to include recruiting more faculty and male-identified attendees, empowering more staff presenters and providing more networking opportunities to promote a sense of belonging.
The second TerrapinSTRONG Symposium is scheduled for October 24, 2024, centering on the theme of Inclusive Leadership. A plenary panel will open the upcoming Symposium, featuring co-authors of "Dear Department Chair: Letters from Black Women Leaders to the Next Generation".
How the University Works
This year TerrapinSTRONG developed a script for a fifth module called “How the University Works.” The module will be included in the FY24 courses in a written format until the final video is completed. Topics in this video include:
Land-grant status
Academic freedom & tenure
Freedom of speech
Shared governance
Strategic plan
Student Onboarding
Employee Onboarding
Ongoing Initiatives
Design for Belonging
TerrapinSTRONG offered an additional six Design for Belonging workshops open to the wider campus community. Design for Belonging has also begun to attract graduate student leaders and undergraduate student organization leaders who want to enhance belonging within their groups. We have also been able to run customized workshops, including an upcoming session for academic advisors in the School of Public Health and the College of Agriculture & Natural Resources.
New Employee Onboarding
TerrapinSTRONG has continued our partnership with University Human Resources on revamping the new employee onboarding experience. While structural changes and new positions in UHR have slowed the revamp process, we are still fully committed to this work.
A new TerrapinSTRONG welcome video was filmed at the end of 2023-2024 which has been integrated into the beginning of New Employee Orientation sessions as of July 2024. In addition, TerrapinSTRONG has purchased M Books for everyone who attends New Employee Orientation beginning in August 2024. University Human Resources (UHR) piloted an offering of the African American History & Landmark Tour, led by Dr. Kim Nickerson, for new employees and a new employee welcome event and resource fair in an effort to expand opportunities for community, connection and inclusion among new employees.
UHR's Talent Acquisition team has taken over responsibility for the rest of the onboarding process, and TerrapinSTRONG meets regularly with the team to share resources and discuss progress. Revamping the onboarding process is their goal for FY25 with the intention to roll out the new plan in summer 2025.
Alumni Association
TerrapinSTRONG provided another customized live version of the course for the leadership of the Alumni Association. These leaders received a special alumni version of the action plan and had the opportunity to discuss ways to infuse the TerrapinSTRONG messaging into alumni activities.
TerrapinSTRONG by the Numbers
total enrollments
total course completions

% of full-time employees new in FY24 who have completed the training

new undergrads completed

new graduate students completed

staff completed

faculty completed

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