Request an OCRSM training

The Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct (OCRSM) offers online and in-person training aimed at informing the campus community and increasing awareness around policies, rights, supportive measures, and other available on- and off-campus resources. They also offer educational opportunities and workshops around topics such as healthy relationships, boundaries, digital safety, and more to promote awareness around prevention and intervention efforts on our campus.
Topics include:
- OCRSM overview
- Responsible University Employee (RUE) Reporting Responsibilities
- Sexual Misconduct/Title IX Policy Overview
- Non-Discrimination Policy Overview
- The Isms of the Workplace
- Boundary Setting
- Recognizing Healthy/Unhealthy Signs in Relationships
OCRSM training is open to student orgs, faculty and staff. Request an OCRSM training, presentation or workshop.
For questions, please reach out to Alejandra Galarcé Diaz, training manager for policy and prevention at OCRSM, at