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Building Anti-Racist Classrooms and Pedagogy Part 2 (Navigating Classroom Dynamics)

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These sessions with Beth Douthirt Cohen (Executive Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Frederick Community College) will explore how instructors can intentionally strengthen their anti-racist pedagogy and practice. In addition to tools for self-assessment, this workshop will center instructors’ ability to assess and strengthen their courses to further equity and justice in the classroom and beyond. Part of being/becoming an anti-racist educator is a commitment to constantly grow, change, learn, and re-imagine our teaching and mentoring.

Navigating Classroom Dynamics, Part 2 (12:30-2pm)
This second session is focused on how we interrupt dynamics in the classroom that (re)enforce status quo racial dynamics including classroom culture. Building on session one, this will be a working session focused on changes you want to implement in the next year including self-work, work around online racial climate, building your classroom culture, among other interventions.
