Building Anti-Racist Classrooms and Pedagogy Part 1 (Foundations)
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These sessions with Beth Douthirt Cohen (Executive Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Frederick Community College) will explore how instructors can intentionally strengthen their anti-racist pedagogy and practice. In addition to tools for self-assessment, this workshop will center instructors’ ability to assess and strengthen their courses to further equity and justice in the classroom and beyond. Part of being/becoming an anti-racist educator is a commitment to constantly grow, change, learn, and re-imagine our teaching and mentoring.
Foundations, Part 1 (10:30am-12pm)
This first session offers a space to begin, define, and/or continue your antiracist teaching and learning work. Appropriate for instructors across all disciplines, this session will offer instructors an opportunity to consider (one or more) aspects of their antiracist practice including their own self-work, classroom climate, classroom cultures and behavior, class discussions, course content, and/or their assumptions about what classrooms can be and/or should be.