Education & Consultation
The Office of Belonging & Community exists to help cultivate a vibrant learning and working environment for all members of our community. One important way we do this work is by offering education and consultation around a myriad of topics. We understand that creating environments where everyone can belong is an ongoing process, and our team is ready to walk alongside you on your team’s educational journey.

Our learning offerings strive to encourage understanding of all types of people and how to help them feel welcome. Below are our current standard offerings. If you are unable to find what you need below, we are happy to consult about a customized learning opportunity. You can indicate which session you are requesting and/or your unique needs in our intake form.
Please note: If you would like to request multiple workshops, we ask you to submit a separate form for each request.
Ongoing learning opportunities
Before you proceed, we’d like to make you aware of regularly occurring offerings you can register for immediately. These workshops do not require any advance consultation, and members of your team can simply register for these existing opportunities at any time:
More about the units bringing you these learning opportunities
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion consists of six unique departments all working toward our shared vision of an inclusive campus where everyone feels they belong and can succeed.
Our training request form is shared across multiple of our units so that we can connect you with the most relevant educators for your needs. If you would like to learn more about the offices represented, please explore the links below:
Learning opportunities from campus partners
Belonging is everyone’s work. The Office of Diversity & Inclusion is fortunate to have many partners across campus also offering excellent learning opportunities. We encourage you to look here for opportunities with other campus experts. At times we may refer you to one of these programs if appropriate.